Thursday, January 19, 2012


As I have stated on Facebook, after launching my blog earlier this year, it is like having a magic pen that God gave me to "write in the skies".  The outreach is unlimited, the medium exciting and quite a journey.  I have been learning the blogosphere lingo, have screwed up my template by trying another one and not knowing how to go back to the one I like better (ugh), and have been advised by various people I trust and admire on how to carry forward.

A respected blogger in Texas shared some thoughts on blogging, as has a local mujer I respect, and Latino powerhouses in the US also shared some thoughts for la Norma y "La Norma Blog" or as one of my friends said "ya eres Blogera" (RMR - reir muy recio or Spanish for lol - correct me here, I just made that up). I wish my old friend, San Antonio guerrilla, political agitator, columnist Carlos Guerra were alive today. I know that together we could have conspired an underground internet based Xicano word war. Just the thought of it brings a smile to my face. Luckily, as I go through some of my personal boxes, I have found numerous columns he wrote that I have placed in my office for purity and inspiration! The internet though, has proved quite an internet sky for political activism and underground internet wars.

So it is with these thoughts, that I hope to provide occasional housekeeping tips for the blog. A sort of order. So here are a few thoughts on what this blog will and will not be. Please email me your thoughts at or comment what you think I could do better. I am trying to make this an open forum, commenting is still in the tweak phase.

I will not prostitute the blog with political advertizing.  I won't be asking you for $300 a month per ad, to have your name roll across the screen. NO REAL POLITICAL BLOGGERS IN TEXAS DO THIS!  I will write on subjects and people, poli's and non-poli's alike. So you won't be treated "special" because you bought an ad on my blog. Don't get me wrong. In learning all the new terminology and gadgets available on blogs, I foresee advertising as a possibility, especially since my traffic is extremely high for a first time blog that isn't even being recognized by servers or search engines quite yet. In fact, most hits, as in 80% of my blog traffic, is from Facebook (eblogger has a pretty cool statistical analysis available and Google is already contacting me about ads). So now I understand why the Criminal Blogger and the El Paso WASM Blogger (White Anglo Saxon Male - don't know if he is protestant or Catholic but know he is male) include me in their blog posts, because I increase their traffic.

I expect nothing in return. If I write about you, good, bad or ugly, I expect nothing in return. No debt is owed. You don't have to be nice to me, I don't expect that.  It is a blog. It is an opinion.  It is what I have chosen to do as a medium, because I choose to use my political experience and knowledge, personal, professional, and political contacts, and networks, to write what I think.  That is it.  Read it if you like. Don't read if you don't like it.

I will look at your suggestions on subjects or people to write about.  I already have a bag full of ideas, people, events, things to write about, but sure if you have a suggestion, I'll look at it, so forward this on the blog, or email me.

My political social commentary is just that, personal commentary and opinion on my blog. Using humor, facts, current events, research, political thought, etc,. to provoke. I don't own the internet space nor does anyone else. Austin, Texas has numerous political bloggers and just bloggers who post on lots of different subjects. What you don't see in the other big cities in Texas in the blogosphere is one political faction dominating the media and blogs.

You don't have bloggers with criminal records, using an ink bat as a threat, to gain favor and sell ads and pimp a political agenda for their own personal power. Nor do you have a male WASM, initiating racially charged blog posts that criticizes the "masses" for rising against unfair policies by the power elites, as he does. He promotes the "masta" mentality, I will not.

This blog is for the "MASSES" to provoke political thought, action, revolution!!

And so, the blog journey continues....join me...  



Chris Parra said...

Very well said Blogera!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your blog journey and being a "regular" reader!