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The Texas Democratic Party Blue Print to turn Texas BLUE!!
Prayers for the El Paso Delegates and Alternates who are on their way to Houston, Texas. A bus is departing at 6:30 pm today, at 1401 Montana. Several of our elected officials and Delegates and Alternates will be flying to represent El Paso Democrats. We pray for everyone's safety. At the end of the day we are seres humanos with feelings!! I will blogging from the Texas Democratic Convention and calling into BORDER TALK from the convention, between 10 am and 12 noon (MST). Stream in real time anywhere in the world, by going to our website www.khro1150.com or in El Paso put your radio on 1150 am. BORDER TALKING the Texas Democratic Convention to you!!
Schedule for the 2012 Texas Democratic Party State Convention
Houston, TX
Thursday, June 7 - Hilton Hotel
Temporary Credentials Committee Meeting 9:00 am (Room 343-A)
SDEC Nominations Committee Meeting 10:00 am (Room 343-B)
Temporary Rules Committee Meeting 12:00 pm (Room 344-A)
SDEC Resolutions Committee Meeting 1:00 pm (Room 344-B)
SDEC Meeting 2:00 pm (Room 335 A-B-C)
TDP VIP Reception 5:00-6:00 pm (Skyline Room)
TDP Kickoff Reception 6:00-8:00 pm (Grand Ballroom)
Stonewall Reception 7:00-9:00 pm (2nd Floor Atrium)
Sen. Royce West &
Rep. Senfronia Thompson Reception 8:00 pm (Grand Ballroom KL)
Thursday, June 7 – Other Locations
8:00 pm - HDCC Reception at St. Arnolds Brewery (2000 Lyons Ave, Houston, TX)
7:30 pm - Legislators & Labor Unite for the Democratic Party Reception at CWA Hall (1730 Jefferson, Houston, TX)
Sponsored by:
Senator Rodney Ellis IBEW Local 66
Senator Mario Gallegos ILA
Senator John Whitmire Latin Labor Leadership Council
AFSCME Pipefitters Local 211
CWA Local Teamsters Local 988
Houston Firefighters
Friday, June 8 - Convention Center
8:30 am - 2:30 pm Credentials Distribution (Exhibit Hall E)
9:00-10:00 am Workshop Organize Your Face(book) Off-Finally Turning Facebook into Voters, Dollars, and Volunteers. (Room 340AB) Workshop: Community Organizing and Voter Targeting (Room 330 AB)
9:30-10:30 am
East Texas Caucus (Room 360 ABC)
West Texas Caucus (Room 360 DEF) 2
Progressive Hispanic Caucus (Room 310 ABC)
Mexican American Democrats (Room 310 DEF)
Tejano Democrats (Room 320 ABC)
Veterans (Room 350 DEF)
10:00-11:00 am
Democrats Against the Death Penalty (Room 370 ABC)
Oilpatch Democrats (Room 382 ABC)
Gun Owners Caucus (Room 370 DEF)
Workshop: DIY Web Video for your Campaign/County Party (Room 340 AB)
Workshop: Keep the Momentum (Room 330 AB)
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
TSDC Executive Board Meeting (Hilton Room 337 AB)
10:30-11:30 am
Non-Urban Caucus (Room 360 DEF)
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Hispanic Caucus (Grand Ballroom C)
Houston Black American Democrats Brunch (Grand Ballroom B)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Texas Environmental Dems (Room 382 ABC)
Coffee Party Austin (Room 350 DEF)
Texas Coalition to Abolish Death Penalty (Room 360 ABC)
Workshop: Social Media Caucus (Room 340 AB)
Workshop: Take the Money and Run! The Basics of Fundraising (Room 330 AB)
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
It’s Our Time: A Conversation for The Young, The Motivated, The Now (General Assembly B)
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Labor Caucus (Grand Ballroom A)
12:00-1:00 pm
Muslim Democratic Caucus of Texas (Room 322 AB)
Democrats With Disabilities Caucus (Room 350 A)
Pro-Life Democrats (Room 370 ABC) 3
Friday, June 8 - Convention Center (continued)
12:00-1:00 pm
Workshop: Fundraising for County Parties (Room 330 AB)
12:00-2:00 pm
Technology Caucus (Room 370 DEF)
12:00-2:30 pm
Texas Can Do Better Workshop led by your Democratic Senators (Hilton Room 335) Registration required.
Black Caucus (Grand Ballroom B)
1:00-2:00 pm
Stonewall Democrats Caucus (Room 350 DEF)
Texas State Teachers Association Caucus (Room 320 ABC)
United Auto Workers Caucus (Room 310 DEF)
Labor Retirees Caucus (Room Grand Ballroom A)
Silver D Democratic Club for 50 + (Room 350 A)
Not Your Parents Progressive Movement: Training & Tactics for Youth Activists (Room 330 AB)
1:00-2:30 pm
TDW Women’s Caucus (Room 382 ABC)
Muslim Prayer Service (Room 322 ABC)
1:00-2:45 pm
Workshop: Reaching Latino Voters- Univision/Promesa Project (Room 340 AB)
2:00-2:45 pm
Jewish Democrats (Room 330 AB)
Texas Young Democrats (Room 350 B)
3:00-5:00 pm
Senate District Caucuses
1 350 D,E,F
2 371 A,B,C
3 372 A,B,C
4 361 A,B,C
5 381 A,B,C
6 351 D,E,F
7 351 A,B,C
8 361 D,E,F
9 360 D,E,F
10 352 D,E,F
11 342 D,E,F
12 310 D,E,F
13 Ballroom C
14 Ballroom A
15 General Assembly C
16 332 A,B,C
17 General Assembly B
18 362 D,E,F
19 332 D,E,F
20 371 D,E,F
21 342 A,B,C
22 362 A,B,C
23 General Assembly A
24 320 D,E,F
25 382 A,B,C
26 372 D,E,F
27 320 A,B,C
28 370 A,B,C
29 310 A,B,C El Paso, Texas (Our Caucus)
30 360 A,B,C
31 370 D,E,F4
4:30-6:30 pm
Permanent Credentials Committee (Hilton Room 335 ABC)
5:00-6:30 pm
Asian American Caucus (Convention Center Room 322)
6:00 pm Convention Called To Order (Convention Center Exhibit Halls C & D)
Friday, June 8 – Other Locations
Friday Receptions
ROAD Women Hospitality Suite at the Hilton
8:00 pm – Tejano Democrats at CWA Hall (1730 Jefferson, Houston, TX)
9:00 pm - Keynote After Party at House of Blues (1204 Caroline St, Houston, TX)
Saturday, June 9
8:00 am
Permanent Rules Committee (Convention Center 310 DEF)
Permanent Resolutions Committee (Convention Center 320 ABC)
Permanent Platform Committee (Convention Center 370 DEF)
Permanent Nominations Committee - Delegates (Convention Center 350 DEF)
Permanent Nominations Committee - Party Officers (Convention Center 360 DEF)
8:30-9:30 am
Lady Bird Johnson Breakfast (Hilton Hotel Grand Ballroom)
9:00-11:00 am
TDCCA (Convention Center Room 370 ABC)
9:30-10:45 am
Workshop: Ignorance Is not a Texas Value: Electing a Smarter State Board of Education (Convention Center Grand Ballroom A)
11:00 am
Convention Reconvenes (Convention Center Exhibit Halls C and D)
Onward and Forward Democrats!!